
Showing posts from June, 2024

Understanding Climate Change in Bengaluru

  Understanding Climate Change in Bengaluru Bengaluru, also known as Bangalore, is one of India’s major cities and is often called the "Silicon Valley of India" due to its thriving tech industry. However, like many other cities around the world, Bengaluru is facing significant challenges due to climate change. Understanding how climate change is affecting Bengaluru can help us take necessary steps to protect the city and its residents. One of the most noticeable effects of climate change in Bengaluru is the rise in temperatures. Over the past few decades, the city has experienced hotter summers and warmer winters. This increase in temperature is mainly due to the increase in greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which trap heat. Warmer temperatures can lead to several problems. For instance, people might suffer from heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke and dehydration. Additionally, higher temperatures can affect agriculture, leading to lower crop yie

kerala diversity

  Kerala, a state in southern India, is known as "God's Own Country." With its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality, it is a must-visit destination for travelers. Here’s a glimpse into my unforgettable journey through this enchanting region. Backwaters Bliss One of the highlights of my trip was exploring the famous backwaters of Kerala. The best way to experience this unique ecosystem is by taking a houseboat cruise. I boarded a traditional kettuvallam, a houseboat made of wooden planks tied together with coconut fibers. As we glided through the serene waters, surrounded by lush greenery and swaying palm trees, I felt a sense of peace and tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere. The houseboat was equipped with all the comforts of a hotel, including a cozy bedroom, a modern bathroom, and a dining area. The crew prepared delicious local meals using fresh ingredients. We enjoyed dishes like fish curry, appam (a type of pancake), and spicy coconut ch

Public service ads that influenced me

  1. Mental Health Awareness PSA:  This mental health awareness PSA beautifully captures the struggles faced by individuals grappling with mental health issues. By shedding light on the invisible battles fought behind closed doors, this advertisement serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of destigmatizing mental illness and fostering empathy and understanding within society. Its message resonates deeply with viewers, urging them to break the silence surrounding mental health and reach out to those in need. In a world where mental health remains a taboo topic for many, this PSA serves as a beacon of hope and solidarity, encouraging open dialogue and compassionate support for individuals facing mental health challenges.  2. Anti-Bullying PSA: Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects individuals of all ages and backgrounds, leaving lasting scars on its victims. This anti-bullying PSA confronts this issue head-on, compelling viewers to confront the harsh realities of bullyi


  FAVOURITE MEMORY OF CHILDHOOD ADVERTISEMENT One of my favorite childhood memories is  of a popular advertisement that aired on television in the late 2000’s. It was for a chocolate brand called Cadbury Dairy Milk, and the advertisement had a catchy jingle and a simple yet heartwarming storyline that left a lasting impression on me. The advertisement featured a young boy who was around my age at that time, maybe eight or nine years old. He was seen going about his day, from waking up in the morning to going to school, and then coming back home in the evening. The most striking part of the advertisement was the way it captured the innocence and pure joy of childhood. The boy had a simple wish that many children could relate to: he wanted to buy a bar of Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate. Throughout the day, he saved every little bit of money he could find, from coins he found in the sofa cushions to the small change he got from running errands for his parents. The advertisement beautifu

The Unforgettable Impact of Ad Jingles: Why They Matter More Than You Think

 The Unforgettable Impact of Ad Jingles: Why They Matter More Than You Think In the vast world of advertising, where flashy visuals and catchy slogans compete for attention, there exists a small but mighty element that often goes unnoticed: ad jingles. These short, melodic tunes have the power to etch themselves into our memories, shaping our perceptions of brands and products in profound ways. Despite their brevity, ad jingles play a crucial role in marketing campaigns, leaving an indelible mark on consumers' minds and influencing their purchasing decisions. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of ad jingles and why they continue to be a valuable tool for advertisers. It's no secret that music has a unique ability to evoke emotions and trigger memories. From childhood nursery rhymes to beloved songs from our teenage years, certain melodies have the power to transport us back in time, eliciting feelings of nostalgia and familiarity. Ad jingles leverage this i